9/25/2023  Peter Jason Gold

The Localzz Network passes 3,005,000 total listings!

Add your business and local related listings to the Localzz Network of 100+ marketplaces!

Localzz Marketplaces have acquired over 3,005,000+ (3.05+ million) business and local related listings. Currently, the Localzz Marketplaces are adding 75,000 to 150,000 listings a month.

Some lead Localzz Marketplace brands (25 of the current 100+ of a planned 500+):

LocalFeatured.com now has over 75,665 self-placed listings.

Businessezz.com has over 62,599 self-placed listings.

LocalsHQ.com has over 56,356 self-placed listings.

LocalzzHQ.com has over 56,477 self-placed listings.

Listingzz.com has over 56,982 self-placed listings.

Advertiserzz.com has over 52,305 self-placed listings.

BusinessesHQ.com has over 52,320 self-placed listings.

LocalStorefronts.com has over 51,232 self-placed listings.

Localzz360.com has over 49,664 self-placed listings.

LocalPromoted.com has over 49,365 self-placed listings.

BusinessesCEO.com has over 48,783 self-placed listings.

Communitiezz.com has over 47,837 self-placed listings.

LocalAdvertised.com has over 46,556 self-placed listings.

Servicezz.com has over 45,237 self-placed listings.

ListingsCEO.com has over 44,384 self-placed listings.

LocalBrowsed.com has over 42,806 self-placed listings.

Locals101.com has over 42,135 self-placed listings.

LocalBundled.com has over 42,162 self-placed listings.

Digitalizze.com has over 41,356 self-placed listings.

Professionalzz.com has over 40,104 self-placed listings.

HomeRepairzz.com has over 39,690 self-placed listings.

HomeServicezz.com has over 39,490 self-placed listings.

NorthlandHQ.com has over 38,069 self-placed listings.

USAFeatured.com has over 36,922 self-placed listings.

Localzz101.com has over 36,889 self-placed listings.

And 75+ more sites


Localzz (Northland Advertising LLC) operates as a local, national (USA), and global (Canada, UK, NZ, and Australia) digital advertising networked marketplace company. Localzz is a digital information and listings marketplace network of 100 plus launched of 500 planned marketplaces.