8/7/2022  Peter Jason Gould
What would an all-in-one and one-in-all digital information ecosystem look like?
Begin with the end in mind...a entire digital information ecosystem.
The branding, design, and digital assets have been acquired to launch a massive digital information ecosystem (DigitalInformationEcosystem.com).
- A full blown Digital Marketplace, Media, and Promotion services (advertising and marketing) Ecosystem. Growth options from 1 to 10.
1.   100 to 1000+ National to Local (NationaltoLocal.com) and Local to National (LocaltoNational.com) general category and niche category marketplaces and\or hybrid marketplace and media sites. Listings will be self-placed listings, out side or partner agency placed listings, and company placed listings. 100 of 1000+ marketplaces launched with over 1.4 million listings. Currently adding 150,000 to 200,000 listings over the Localzz Network a month. Examples: LocalFeatured.com, BusinessesFeatured.com, LocalsFeatured.com, NationFeatured.com, NorthlandFeatured.com, StateFeatured.com. Businessezz.com, Listingzz.com, Businessizze.com, BusinessesCEO.com, LocalsHQ.com, LocalzzHQ.com, and many more.
2.  Other niche information marketplaces.  Localzz Evented  (LocalEvented.com, LocalsEvented.com, LocalzzEvented.com, USAEvented.com, NationEvented.com),  LocalzzHoused.com (LocalHoused.com, LocalsHoused.com, LocalzzHoused.com, USAHoused.com, NationHoused.com) , Localzz Employed (LocalEmployed.com, LocalsEmployed.com, LocalzzEmployed.com, NationEvented.com),  and other digital information ecosystem growth initiatives.
3. 1 to 1000+ National to Local and Local to National general and niche media (content ) destinations. Content will be contributor, guest, partner, agency, or company placed content. National, local, general, and niche media sites may be free or pay walled or a combination of both with a monthly or annual subscription.
4. Utilize 1 to 500 digital promotional assets to brand, promote, advertise, and market digital information ecosystem.  100Marketplaces.com, 250Marketplaces.com, 500Marketplaces, and 1000Marketplaces.com, Local Information Marketplaces, National Information Marketplaces, Local Advertising Network, Listing Advertising Network, Digital Local Marketplaces, Digital National Marketplaces, Digital Local Media, Digital National Media
5.  A digital promotional, advertising,  and/or marketing services angency or unit. Company owned, partner, or affiliate.
6.   A centralized PaaS or SaaS brand as Localzz Listings (ListingsPaaS.com and ListingsSaaS.com) to manage information listings on 100 to 1000 marketplace and\or directories. Company owned, partner, or affiliate.
7.   A centralized PaaS or SaaS to manage content or articles branded as Localzz Articles or LocalzzContent  (ArticlePaaS.com or ContentPaaS.com) on 1 to 1000 National to Local and Local to National general and niche media (content destinations). Company owned, partner, or affiliate.
8.   A centralized PaaS or SaaS that provides a centralized self-serve digital promotion, advertising, or marketing services branded as Localzz Advertising or Localzz Ads. Company owned, partner, or affiliate.
9.   A centralized PaaS or SaaS that provides a centralized business applications that help manage business functions or operations branded as Localzz Business. Company owned, partner, or affiliate.  Smallbusinessize.com  SmallBusinessizze.com  BusinessApps101.com  BusinessSoftware101.com Appointmentizze.com  Automateizze.com  Bookkeepizze.com  Clientizze.com  Contentizze.com Customerizze.com  Domainizze.com  Ecommerceizze.com  Emailizze.com  Engageizze.com Hostizze.com  Invoiceizze.com  Jobizze.com  Manageizze.com  Managementizze.com Onlineizze.com   Paymentizze.com  Reputationizze.com  Scheduleizze.com  Softwareizze.com  Supportizze.com  Transformizze.com Trializze.com Tripizze.com  Websiteizze.com
10. Utilize "Localzz.com" as search portal site for all the Localzz owned digital assets. Also, launch Localzz Ventures, Localzz Capital, and Localzz Grants - Optional future intiatives for startup business equity in exchange for advertising. May offer free advertising grants for start-ups, new or current advertisers.